Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Thursday, April 12, 2012
Yeah Yeah Yeah, I know.....
Ok... I know I always say it.... I need to blog more.... It really is hard to do when you have a 2.5 year old running around, cleaning to do, Laundry...... LIFE....
Over the last 8 months, life has been good... If you are on fb, you already know just about everything going on in our crazy lives..... We are loving our home in Clearfield. We have been here for a year *shocking I know!* We are really happy that over the past year, our families (Larkin and Hays) we have been able to welcome 5 new nephews!!!! We love them all but I really do have to say that we are the most grateful for the NEWEST nephew, little Collin Reid Larkin was born to Danny and Cassie!!! After all the heartache and pain that they have had to go through, they FINALLY were able to welcome a son on April 6th at 2:53AM. *I am so happy for them that I am sitting here sobbing as I write this* It breaks my heart knowing how much pain that they had to deal with. But thankfully after all that pain they have another perfect angel!!!!!!!!
Another wonderful blessing in our family, is that Clay Roran and I are excited to announce that we are expecting!! I am due Mid December. I am 5 weeks and 3 days along! I have not even been to the dr yet but I am so excited that I have to share the news.... I have been aching for another little one for over a year now and so I am very very excited!
In other news.... Roran like I said is 2.5 years old and is growing so fast in so many ways that I can hardly keep up. He is so funny! He is talking a lot and says the funniest things. A few days ago, he started saying "NO! NEVER!" When we ask him to do something. The look on his face when he says it is so funny that I just crack up every time he does it. *he gives me his cute little grin and ends up doing what we ask* He also makes some awesome facial expressions! He will look at me, raise his eyebrows, opens his eyes really wide and I really can't explain it... but it is HILARIOUS!!! I will TRY to get a pic of him doing it... He usually will only do it for me too... Another funny *yet slightly annoying* thing he does is, in the mornings that Clay is gone before Roran wakes up, he will come in the bedroom, get on the bed, crawl over to me and will say "mommy mommy mommy" and if I don't open my eyes, he will tap on my forehead until I do..... So funny! This morning he got up on the bed and started saying "pst pst" trying to wake me up without waking up Clay... Right now he is trying to put my sandals on my feet so I will go outside to get a car the tossed over the porch *something he KNOWS he is not supposed to do* so he keeps saying "Feet mommy Feet" .... He is not to happy with me that I am not cooperating.... Ok, I am giving in cuz it is to cute... Not gonna go out in the cold wet grass but I let him put my sandals on my feet lol.
Well it looks like Roran is not going to let me sit here any longer so I will have to end this post and add pics later.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
The WONDERFUL world of Roran.
Roran has been doing VERY well lately!!! He is growing up so fast! He is ALMOST 2 years old!!! I am working on planning 2 parties for him. We will be having 1 party on the 10th down in Highland with family, and one up here on the 17th with friends. I am really looking forward to celebrating Roran's birth!!!!! I don't know what I would do without him. As with ALL children, he drives his mommy nuts but the second he looks at me with those beautiful eyes and wraps his arms around me giving me that sweet wonderful hug, I melt!!!! I love that little guy so much!!!
I am working on trying to figure out for sure what cake to have for each party. I might do the same one depending on how it turns out and if we like it. The choices are, a TRAIN cake that we will try to make look like Thomas the Train, a Rubber Duck, a Car that we will make look like Lightning McQueen, or Big blocks.. We are leaning more towards the Train because it is REALLY cute!!!
He has been talking a ton. He is saying full sentences!! He says some of the funniest things. The other night he was laying face up on clay's chest and he couldn't get up. He all of a sudden says "STUCK". clay and I were laughing so hard because of the way he said it. SO cute!!! Last week sometime he said "I will do it" .....
He has learned how to open the fridge. He will bring us his cup, then he will come back with the juice! lol Anyway, here a a couple pics and a few videos... I'll try to get more loaded on the computer... Enjoy!
I am working on trying to figure out for sure what cake to have for each party. I might do the same one depending on how it turns out and if we like it. The choices are, a TRAIN cake that we will try to make look like Thomas the Train, a Rubber Duck, a Car that we will make look like Lightning McQueen, or Big blocks.. We are leaning more towards the Train because it is REALLY cute!!!
He has been talking a ton. He is saying full sentences!! He says some of the funniest things. The other night he was laying face up on clay's chest and he couldn't get up. He all of a sudden says "STUCK". clay and I were laughing so hard because of the way he said it. SO cute!!! Last week sometime he said "I will do it" .....
He has learned how to open the fridge. He will bring us his cup, then he will come back with the juice! lol Anyway, here a a couple pics and a few videos... I'll try to get more loaded on the computer... Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011
I am the WORST at remembering to blog lol
Ok So it has been 7 months since I posted last.... I know... Bad..... So lets try to go from there....
I can't remember much about Jan LOL!!!!
We got an email telling us that we had to move out of our apartment because the lady who owned it had lost her job in Cali and wanted to move back to UT. We then started looking for a place to go, a job for Clay, and packing.... Clay was still working hard on taking down Christmas lights so he was extremely busy but he managed to find a job working at Texas Roadhouse in the kitchen!!
Clay heard from a great company that he had worked for in the past called MARKETSTAR.
They offered him a great position in their OGDEN office. We then started looking for apartments to rent in the Ogden area so he would be close to work. We found a great place in Clearfield that has a pool, hot tub, kiddie pool and a great playground. We really like it here and Roran LOVES the pools and playground!!!
We also were lucky to get to see Jay and Mo Larkin!!! They came back from China for Clay's brother Pete's wedding it was WONDERFUL seeing them again!
Life in Clearfield is great! We really like it here and we have some great friends in the area who also have children.
MAY *yeah I know I am kind of zooming through the months lol*
I can't remember anything really worth writing about for May... Sry
Ah the lovely expensive month of June.....
SO When I went to renew my license before my birthday I found out that there had been a ticket in the state of WA that I had forgotten about..... WA put my UT DL on hold saying that I could not renew it until I paid the ticket.... $500 and about 2 weeks later I finally had my license back!!! A few weeks later, the Honda's breaks decided they wanted to go... LOL! SO I did some pricing and I found an AWESOME mechanic who only charged us 360 for parts and labor (everything had to be replaced) We had shops wanting to charge us around $490!!!! So THANK YOU JHB AUTO REPAIR!!!! Shortly after that, Clay's van got a FLAT tire. All of his tires need to be replaced and from what I remember I think Clay said it would be around $600.... JOY OF JOYS! We sill have yet to replace them so Clay has been driving my car to work so I am having to walk everywhere. (getting some great exercise)
RORAN *PART OF THIS WAS SENT TO JAY ON JULY 11th so it is a little out dated*
SO as many of you know, we have had some very unpleasant health problems for my lil monster. *VERY SAD FACE* ...
4 weeks ago he had a REALLY REALLY REALLY BAD diaper rash. We did everything we could think of but it was not getting any better so I found a Dr up here and took him in. She said he had a fungal infection and gave us a bunch of creams to use. I took him back few days later because there was no change and I had seen some weird thing on his lip. When she looked in his mouth she said very loudly, "WOW THAT IS THRUSH" so, we then started treating him for the thrush, fungal infection, and diaper rash..... Since then, we have done EVERYTHING they told us and he is still having that problem. We have come to think that it must be some kind of food allergy as it ONLY happens when he poops. If he pees he is fine. If he poops his bum gets bright red, he gets blisters, and his skin opens and bleeds. It is like he is pooping acid. I took him in AGAIN because it was REALLY bad and the Dr said she wanted to test his blood to see if he indeed has a food allergy. (She doesn't know what else to try) So When the girls came in to get some blood, it was one of the worst things I have EVER had to do as a mother so far. I had to hold him down as he cried and screamed. They tried TWICE and couldn't get ANY blood. He was so upset his veins were sinking down in his arm and they couldn't get anything. So they cause all that pain for nothing..... We ended up seeing a dermatologist, and an allergist. NO ONE could figure out what was going on. Finally after a MONTH of this, he started getting cleared up. *we had changed his diet several times but nothing changed* We went to stay at the awesome in-laws and on Sat his bum started getting a little red.... The only thing that was different is that he had, had some of Carole's health tea..... We all figured it out at the same time... THE TEA IS WHAT WAS WRONG! He unfortunately is allergic to that tea.... THANK GOODNESS WE FIGURED IT OUT!!!!!!!!!! I am SO grateful that we found the problem. He is doing SO much better!!!!
So far Roran is looking and doing much better! Every so often his bum will get a little red but it is fine within a few hours! THANK GOODNESS!
Clay has been playing soccer every Friday for a few months and had 2 weeks off. He then had a double header and in one of the games he got pretty banged up. His knee was VERY swollen. It was so bad he couldn't really walk for about a week! It is getting better but I had him go to a Dr today (sadly he dr was very unhelpful)He is going to have to see a specialist.
As for me, I have been having some really bad neck and back problems. So bad that this last weekend I was in bed almost the whole time. My neck is pretty messed up today and I in a lot of pain. I am trying to reach a chiropractor to see if he can fix me :)
I also went to see a Dr last week for a check up and she did some blood work because she thinks I am having some thyroid problems because I can't seem to loose any weight *I weigh more now than I did when I was prego* and I am ALWAYS hungry. If I eat I feel great but about 20 min later I am starving again and feel like I am going to vomit... still waiting to hear back from the Dr.....
Other than that... We are all doing well and are VERY VERY happy!!! Clay and I are pretty excited because in a few days, we will be celebrating our 1st Anniv!!!
LOVE YOU ALL! And I WILL TRY to do better!!! :) XOXOXOXO
I can't remember much about Jan LOL!!!!
We got an email telling us that we had to move out of our apartment because the lady who owned it had lost her job in Cali and wanted to move back to UT. We then started looking for a place to go, a job for Clay, and packing.... Clay was still working hard on taking down Christmas lights so he was extremely busy but he managed to find a job working at Texas Roadhouse in the kitchen!!
Clay heard from a great company that he had worked for in the past called MARKETSTAR.
They offered him a great position in their OGDEN office. We then started looking for apartments to rent in the Ogden area so he would be close to work. We found a great place in Clearfield that has a pool, hot tub, kiddie pool and a great playground. We really like it here and Roran LOVES the pools and playground!!!
We also were lucky to get to see Jay and Mo Larkin!!! They came back from China for Clay's brother Pete's wedding it was WONDERFUL seeing them again!
Life in Clearfield is great! We really like it here and we have some great friends in the area who also have children.
MAY *yeah I know I am kind of zooming through the months lol*
I can't remember anything really worth writing about for May... Sry
Ah the lovely expensive month of June.....
SO When I went to renew my license before my birthday I found out that there had been a ticket in the state of WA that I had forgotten about..... WA put my UT DL on hold saying that I could not renew it until I paid the ticket.... $500 and about 2 weeks later I finally had my license back!!! A few weeks later, the Honda's breaks decided they wanted to go... LOL! SO I did some pricing and I found an AWESOME mechanic who only charged us 360 for parts and labor (everything had to be replaced) We had shops wanting to charge us around $490!!!! So THANK YOU JHB AUTO REPAIR!!!! Shortly after that, Clay's van got a FLAT tire. All of his tires need to be replaced and from what I remember I think Clay said it would be around $600.... JOY OF JOYS! We sill have yet to replace them so Clay has been driving my car to work so I am having to walk everywhere. (getting some great exercise)
RORAN *PART OF THIS WAS SENT TO JAY ON JULY 11th so it is a little out dated*
SO as many of you know, we have had some very unpleasant health problems for my lil monster. *VERY SAD FACE* ...
4 weeks ago he had a REALLY REALLY REALLY BAD diaper rash. We did everything we could think of but it was not getting any better so I found a Dr up here and took him in. She said he had a fungal infection and gave us a bunch of creams to use. I took him back few days later because there was no change and I had seen some weird thing on his lip. When she looked in his mouth she said very loudly, "WOW THAT IS THRUSH" so, we then started treating him for the thrush, fungal infection, and diaper rash..... Since then, we have done EVERYTHING they told us and he is still having that problem. We have come to think that it must be some kind of food allergy as it ONLY happens when he poops. If he pees he is fine. If he poops his bum gets bright red, he gets blisters, and his skin opens and bleeds. It is like he is pooping acid. I took him in AGAIN because it was REALLY bad and the Dr said she wanted to test his blood to see if he indeed has a food allergy. (She doesn't know what else to try) So When the girls came in to get some blood, it was one of the worst things I have EVER had to do as a mother so far. I had to hold him down as he cried and screamed. They tried TWICE and couldn't get ANY blood. He was so upset his veins were sinking down in his arm and they couldn't get anything. So they cause all that pain for nothing..... We ended up seeing a dermatologist, and an allergist. NO ONE could figure out what was going on. Finally after a MONTH of this, he started getting cleared up. *we had changed his diet several times but nothing changed* We went to stay at the awesome in-laws and on Sat his bum started getting a little red.... The only thing that was different is that he had, had some of Carole's health tea..... We all figured it out at the same time... THE TEA IS WHAT WAS WRONG! He unfortunately is allergic to that tea.... THANK GOODNESS WE FIGURED IT OUT!!!!!!!!!! I am SO grateful that we found the problem. He is doing SO much better!!!!
So far Roran is looking and doing much better! Every so often his bum will get a little red but it is fine within a few hours! THANK GOODNESS!
Clay has been playing soccer every Friday for a few months and had 2 weeks off. He then had a double header and in one of the games he got pretty banged up. His knee was VERY swollen. It was so bad he couldn't really walk for about a week! It is getting better but I had him go to a Dr today (sadly he dr was very unhelpful)He is going to have to see a specialist.
As for me, I have been having some really bad neck and back problems. So bad that this last weekend I was in bed almost the whole time. My neck is pretty messed up today and I in a lot of pain. I am trying to reach a chiropractor to see if he can fix me :)
I also went to see a Dr last week for a check up and she did some blood work because she thinks I am having some thyroid problems because I can't seem to loose any weight *I weigh more now than I did when I was prego* and I am ALWAYS hungry. If I eat I feel great but about 20 min later I am starving again and feel like I am going to vomit... still waiting to hear back from the Dr.....
Other than that... We are all doing well and are VERY VERY happy!!! Clay and I are pretty excited because in a few days, we will be celebrating our 1st Anniv!!!
LOVE YOU ALL! And I WILL TRY to do better!!! :) XOXOXOXO
Monday, January 10, 2011
Sept/Honeymoon/Open house in Sequim
So Now we are on to the month of Sept....
We started out on Aug 26th and drove to Cali. We stopped in Reno for the night then went through Tahoe (a place I had never been) We decided to pick up a magnet from every place we stopped on our MONTH LONG honeymoon lol. Needless to say we have a full fridge. Anyway, we drove all the way around the lake then on to Portolla Valley to see Clay's grandmother. We spend a few days at her house and went to San Fran. We went to Alcatraz, went to the Aquarium at peir 49, saw the Golden Gate bridge, went to the Exploratorium, and the Academy of science. (we spent about 5 days doing all of that)
We then went down to Carmel/Monterey and spent a few days with Clay's awesome Aunt Mary and her husband Jim (WAY COOL PPL) Then we headed up the PCH! We took that all the way up to OR. It took us 3 days. So since we needed a place to stay, we took advantage of the AMAZINGLY HUGE tent we got from Clay's uncle Rick and Aunt Holly at the bridal shower! It is an 8 man tent! It is so big we could fit out queen size air mattress, Roran's pan-n-play and all of our other stuff and still had a TON of room!!! IT IS AN AWESOME TENT!
We spend a few days with Drew and Aly, and a day with Clay's Aunt Kris (another way cool lady!) Then we headed up to WA!! We went to my sister Heather's house and spend a few days with them. It was great to see them since I had not seen them in over a year. Sadly they had planned to go to Disneyland for 11 days right after we got there but we were able to spend a few days together. On the 10th we made our way up to Sequim to see my ma and pa! Sadly during this whole time (starting right after we got to Drew's place) I got sick. So I wasn't really able to enjoy much. BUT because of that, Clay drove all the way back down to Tacoma (about a 2 hour drive) to get me some meds!! He was such a wonderful husband!!!
Anyway, after I got the meds I started getting better. On the 13th (a day early) we decided to celebrate Roran's 1st birthday!!! We got him a cute Thomas the Train cake and some balloons and obviously toys lol. It was so much fun seeing him try to figure out what to do with that cake!!! In the end, like all babies, the cake was attacked lol. On Roran's birthday we drove out to Forks, La Push, and most NW part of the continental US. (Can't remember the name) but it was beautiful! We then hung out around Sequim for a few days then on the 18th We had an open house. We had everyone in my family that lives in WA there!!! It was so great to see them all!! We also had 2 of my wonderful friends show up. Jane and her mom, and Stephanie and her sweetheart. (sad to say out of all my friends in WA and in the area, I only had 2 show up) BUT They were there!!! It was SOOOOOO good to see them!!!! I love you girls!
The next morning I got a text friend my friend Jen. She was freaking out because she got the day's mixed up. She was about to leave to come to the open house when she discovered it had been the day before. But it turned out to be a good thing (more about that later) A few hours later Clay and I went off on our honeymoon without Roran. We stayed at Heather and Tony's house so we didn't have to drive so far and didn't have to pay for a hotel. We went to Seattle (a place Clay had never been) and spent several days playing around. We went to the Space Needle, the Aquarium, Pike Place Market, Gas Works Park, IVARS, (we ate there every day lol Clay wasn't expecting it to taste so good lol) the EMP/Science fiction museum, the troll, and the Tacoma museum of Glass. On Thurs the the 23rd we headed back to Sequim. The next morning we all said goodbye to mom and dad and headed back to Seattle. We took a ferry ride (Roran's first ever) and went to the Woodland Park Zoo where we met up with Jen and her cute little guy! We spend the whole day at the Zoo then went back to Jen's house where I met her now husband Joe! We had dinner then Jen, Jes and I went out dancing while the men watched the babies and played Xbox lol The next morning we loaded everything up in our little car again (this time with a TON more stuff Toys and Clothes) Jen is such a wonderful giving person! She has given us SO much and saved us with Roran!! She has given us Clothing, toys, and bedding!!! When we left her house she even gave us a gift to Target and a gift visa gift card on top of everything else!! She is AMAZING! I don't know what I would do with out her!!
ANYWAY, after we left her place we went back to Seattle and went to the Science center then went on a harbor cruise around the sound, then back up to the Science center where we saw The Legend Of The Guardians in IMAX. After that we went drove back to Tacoma to see Heather and Tony again. We hung out with them that night then
Sunday morning we headed back to OR. Sadly we had gotten news that Clay's uncle had died so we were heading back to his home for the wake. The "plus side" to going back was I was able to meet more of Clay's family! We also were able to unload a TON of stuff, Clay's father and uncle drove over and we were able to put a bunch of stuff in their car. After that, we went back to Drew's for a day or so then headed home. We got back on Sept 29th. We had been on the road for just over a month!
More to come later! (including pics)
We started out on Aug 26th and drove to Cali. We stopped in Reno for the night then went through Tahoe (a place I had never been) We decided to pick up a magnet from every place we stopped on our MONTH LONG honeymoon lol. Needless to say we have a full fridge. Anyway, we drove all the way around the lake then on to Portolla Valley to see Clay's grandmother. We spend a few days at her house and went to San Fran. We went to Alcatraz, went to the Aquarium at peir 49, saw the Golden Gate bridge, went to the Exploratorium, and the Academy of science. (we spent about 5 days doing all of that)
We then went down to Carmel/Monterey and spent a few days with Clay's awesome Aunt Mary and her husband Jim (WAY COOL PPL) Then we headed up the PCH! We took that all the way up to OR. It took us 3 days. So since we needed a place to stay, we took advantage of the AMAZINGLY HUGE tent we got from Clay's uncle Rick and Aunt Holly at the bridal shower! It is an 8 man tent! It is so big we could fit out queen size air mattress, Roran's pan-n-play and all of our other stuff and still had a TON of room!!! IT IS AN AWESOME TENT!
We spend a few days with Drew and Aly, and a day with Clay's Aunt Kris (another way cool lady!) Then we headed up to WA!! We went to my sister Heather's house and spend a few days with them. It was great to see them since I had not seen them in over a year. Sadly they had planned to go to Disneyland for 11 days right after we got there but we were able to spend a few days together. On the 10th we made our way up to Sequim to see my ma and pa! Sadly during this whole time (starting right after we got to Drew's place) I got sick. So I wasn't really able to enjoy much. BUT because of that, Clay drove all the way back down to Tacoma (about a 2 hour drive) to get me some meds!! He was such a wonderful husband!!!
Anyway, after I got the meds I started getting better. On the 13th (a day early) we decided to celebrate Roran's 1st birthday!!! We got him a cute Thomas the Train cake and some balloons and obviously toys lol. It was so much fun seeing him try to figure out what to do with that cake!!! In the end, like all babies, the cake was attacked lol. On Roran's birthday we drove out to Forks, La Push, and most NW part of the continental US. (Can't remember the name) but it was beautiful! We then hung out around Sequim for a few days then on the 18th We had an open house. We had everyone in my family that lives in WA there!!! It was so great to see them all!! We also had 2 of my wonderful friends show up. Jane and her mom, and Stephanie and her sweetheart. (sad to say out of all my friends in WA and in the area, I only had 2 show up) BUT They were there!!! It was SOOOOOO good to see them!!!! I love you girls!
The next morning I got a text friend my friend Jen. She was freaking out because she got the day's mixed up. She was about to leave to come to the open house when she discovered it had been the day before. But it turned out to be a good thing (more about that later) A few hours later Clay and I went off on our honeymoon without Roran. We stayed at Heather and Tony's house so we didn't have to drive so far and didn't have to pay for a hotel. We went to Seattle (a place Clay had never been) and spent several days playing around. We went to the Space Needle, the Aquarium, Pike Place Market, Gas Works Park, IVARS, (we ate there every day lol Clay wasn't expecting it to taste so good lol) the EMP/Science fiction museum, the troll, and the Tacoma museum of Glass. On Thurs the the 23rd we headed back to Sequim. The next morning we all said goodbye to mom and dad and headed back to Seattle. We took a ferry ride (Roran's first ever) and went to the Woodland Park Zoo where we met up with Jen and her cute little guy! We spend the whole day at the Zoo then went back to Jen's house where I met her now husband Joe! We had dinner then Jen, Jes and I went out dancing while the men watched the babies and played Xbox lol The next morning we loaded everything up in our little car again (this time with a TON more stuff Toys and Clothes) Jen is such a wonderful giving person! She has given us SO much and saved us with Roran!! She has given us Clothing, toys, and bedding!!! When we left her house she even gave us a gift to Target and a gift visa gift card on top of everything else!! She is AMAZING! I don't know what I would do with out her!!
ANYWAY, after we left her place we went back to Seattle and went to the Science center then went on a harbor cruise around the sound, then back up to the Science center where we saw The Legend Of The Guardians in IMAX. After that we went drove back to Tacoma to see Heather and Tony again. We hung out with them that night then
Sunday morning we headed back to OR. Sadly we had gotten news that Clay's uncle had died so we were heading back to his home for the wake. The "plus side" to going back was I was able to meet more of Clay's family! We also were able to unload a TON of stuff, Clay's father and uncle drove over and we were able to put a bunch of stuff in their car. After that, we went back to Drew's for a day or so then headed home. We got back on Sept 29th. We had been on the road for just over a month!
More to come later! (including pics)
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